Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Oops

This not quite so bad. I decided to make sure everything was right on the last blog and sure enough I found another oopsy. I sent the e-mail to all of the people mentioned and decided after the fact that I should check it. Well it says I am a 53 year old woman and guess what???? I am not 53. I just turned 56. So for someone trying to get help as an "old woman", I guess I blew it by lying about my age!!!!!! 53, 56 who cares. I am not getting help either way so why bother. But this is just another one of the brainstorms that hits me in the middle of the night. Sure wish they would hit while I am awake. Getting terrible headaches by being hit in the head at night (LOL)!!!!!!

But as an update, nothing has been done again and I have not gotten any responses from anyone acknowleding that they received my e-mail except for Maury and it was a "canned" response letting me know they had received it and it would be reviewed. That is the gentle way of saying SCREW YOU one more time lady. WE JUST DON'T CARE!!! Same as everyone else.

I read my daughter-in-law's comment. I think it would have been the Oprah Obama Party!!! Don't think she would take second billing to anyone especially a man. Don't think she would have let him have first billing. He might have been acting as president, but Oprah would still be first on the ballot. They would be " Oprah for VP, Obama For Pres." And she would make it perfectly clear that she would be running the show ecne if had to be done from her TV station. Just an assumption. But you know what that does to us!!!


  1. LOL that is so true! The Oprah-Obama party! That is funny! And no matter how "old" you are, you still look pretty darn good to me!

  2. You're too kind. We all know that is not true!!! About the way I look, I mean.
