Thursday, December 10, 2009

More News to Come

I spoke with my caseworker from Binder and Binder and this is just the beginning. I may still have more money coming.
This is only from the case they filed in December of 2008. So from the time I filed the original case, there may be still another year or so that might be awarded me. Due to the fact that part of the original filing was from July 2006 to Novemer 2008. From October 2006 to August of 2008 I worked full time. So we pretty much know that is a no go. But from July 2006 to September 2006 I was not working. Then from August 2008 to September 2008 I wasn't working. Then in September 2008 I started the part-time job of 12 to 20 hours a week. So we think that the money I have recieved so far is only for 6 months. I think she said like June of 2009 to now. So there is a possiblilty of more back pay if I am lucky. I won't know everything til I get my info in the mail from SS Disability showing exactly what I was paid for. So cross your fingers and keep praying that I am still waiting on more back pay and if so, that I get it soon as well!!!


  1. This is exciting!!!! You have picked up some new readers too, did you notice????

  2. Wow!!!! Cool!!!!! Great maybe I have helped someone anyway!!
