Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ok, I am pleased to let everyone who has stood beside me all of this time know that I have been approved for my Disability. I went to check my bank account this morning and to my surprise there was a deposit in my account from SS Disability. Ok, not knowing if I was dreaming or just plain crazy, I contacted Band B and Lisa informed me that I had been awarded my disability claim and I would be recieving a check every month from now on. The only draw back is that they make you wait 24 months to get your medicare, so I won't get that until June of 2011. It's okay!!!! I can do this!!! I have been through soooo much that this will be a walk in the park!! The best news of all is the fact that I can finally give my notice and quit my job. I don't have to work in pain or hurt any longer!!!!!!

I just want to thank Binder and Binder for all their help and as the ad says, they do all the work and worry and you don't have too!!!! Plus they are still working on the appeal from the judges decision back in November of 2008!!! Could still be more back pay coming!! Wow, how great would that be???


  1. This is so awesome! We are so thrilled for you!

  2. Thanks!!!! I am giving that 2 weeks notice tomorrow morning. The last day on my job will be Christmas Morning. How awesome is that??? Thank you Jesus first and foremost. Then thank you to you and everyone that stood behind me and kept pushng and saying not to give up!!!
